For Entrepreneurs in the 21st century, surviving and succeeding in business demands an understanding of the multifaceted dynamics of modern markets. From social media offering instant consumer feedback to use...
Read moreDetailsFor Entrepreneurs in the 21st century, surviving and succeeding in business demands an understanding of the multifaceted dynamics of modern markets. From social media offering instant consumer feedback to use...
Read moreDetailsBanking and financial firms hold and process very sensitive data, may be user's confidential identification, financial data, transaction history, or organization confidential data. These data attracts cybercriminal, making them prime...
Read moreDetailsEducational Institutions are a goldmine for cybercriminals because they hold very crucial and important data, often getting more sensitive data about their prospective and enrolled students, alumni, and employees than...
Read moreDetailsThe nature of risks is continuously changing and evolving at unprecedented levels and hence implementing a successful risk management program is the call for organizations looking to safeguard their hard-earned...
Read moreDetailsBlockchain technology can help organizations transform their procurement functions. It can transform all your digital transations, including procurement and supply chain. The role of CPOs (Chief Procurement Officers) has only...
Read moreDetailsDigitization and hyper-connected business world continuously changing customer expectations, demands, societal shifts, and industry disruptions. That’s why leaders continuously think about technology trends with the potential to impact customers, partners,...
Read moreDetailsUntil not so long ago, business data was analog and gathering or sharing information meant dealing with physical documents. Records were kept on paper, whether handwritten in ledgers or typed...
Read moreDetailsThe two main pillars of modern banking development have been information technology and electronic funds transfer systems. Now the scope of financial technology (fintech) is extending to messaging technology for marketing...
Read moreDetailsAccroding to the report by Ponemon Institute and IBM Security, the average cost of a data breach is $3.92 million per breach in 2019. The report also reveals that the...
Read moreDetailsA business slowdown or a general economic recession offers challenges in the lives of every entrepreneur. From seasonal slowdowns like holidays or specific off season phases for a particular business...
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