CDN improves your website’s load time by taking all of your site’s content and distributing it to a worldwide caching network. CDN stores a cached version of its content in multiple geographical locations. When a visitor reaches your website quick content is provided serving it to visitors from their nearest location. Every web owner should invest in CDN to improve user experience by providing a more efficient data network. We have highlighted top 5 CDN providers in 2019 based on features, customer reviews, and market value. That’s why the content delivery network (CDN) is essential for the business that wants to reach global users.
A CDN’s mission is to shorten the distance and improve site speed and performance.
Do you know 1 second of delay can cause up to 7% loss in customer conversions?

So let’s look at Top 5 best CDN providers in 2019
1. Cloudflare

It is one of the most popular CDN provider which is known for user-friendly great features like high speed, easy-to-use, great security, and effective website optimizations. Cloudflare is known for a very large network with servers across the globe, Cloudflare top the list of top 5 CDN providers.
- Performance
- Simple setup (update your DNS servers)
- No edits required
- Web filtering block bots
- High-tech Security
- Limit Content Spam
- Smart image optimizations (reduce the file size by 35%)
- Improves speed
- Unlimited bandwidth
To know about pricing: Plans
2. KeyCDN

Global content delivery network providing a content delivery solution at low cost. Whether you’re looking for security, excellence in performance or affordability among various CDN providers – KeyCDN wins overall.
- Easy setup
- You can integrate the service with WordPress and other apps
- Free up to 25GB
- A well-designed web dashboard
- HTTP/2 Support
- Free SSL
- Origin Shield
- Secure Token
- Restful API
- Real-time Analytics
To know more about pricing: Plans
3. Fastly

With a multi-terabyte-per-second capacity; Fastly’s edge cloud platform is built for performance.
A highly configurable heavyweight Fastly is quicker in the UK; used by big brands like Spotify, Reddit. The highlight of the server with 24TB of SSD storage, 768GB RAM and 4 x 25 Gigabyte Ethernet connections each; all this are really impressive. Fastly is not for the novice! Fastly is an enterprise-level CDN provider for professional users and little experience is needed to set up.
- Delivers fast speeds
- Hugely configurable
- Can be tricky to set up
- Diverse support for different types of video caching
- Protects your video and streaming content from disruptive DDoS attacks.
- Supports HTTP streaming video over Transport Layer Security (TLS).
- Real-time logs give you quick visibility into how users are consuming your video
Know more about pricing: plans
4. MetaCDN

This Australian company combines Amazon CloudFront, Fastly and Verizon’s EdgeCast CDNs into a single speedy service. It is a smart and speedy choice for high traffic sites with a worldwide audience
- Deliver top performance
- Easy-to-use
- Less configuration
- 3 network having altogether 120 locations
- Guarantee a 100% uptime
- It automatically chooses the best network for every visitor’s location.
Know more about pricing: plans
5. StackPath

StackPath is user-friendly CDN provider with advanced security features to Western locations. Speedy cache purging within milliseconds ensuring all your visitors will see the latest version of your website.
- Easy to set up
- Powerful security features
- User-friendly
- 24/7Technical support via live chat or phone
- Performance is good in the US and UK, and Europe as they mainly focus on western countries
- Free shared SSL
- Reducing the CPU load on your origin server
Know more about pricing: Plans
Advantages of CDN

- Companies that witness huge traffic can send content without any delay with CDN
- Reducing bandwidth costs
- Improving page load times
- Increasing the global availability of the content
- Decrease Server Load
- Content Delivery becomes faster
- High-quality content
- High level of service
- Easy audience Segmentation
- Lower cost
- Secure Storage Capacity
- The faster website has a higher chance of ranking in SERPs.
- More Affordable Than You Think
- Reliability
- Increase your conversions.
CDN is the backbone of the Internet. Businesses that have huge high-quality content (video streaming) especially media, entertainment, gaming, online retail should use CDN in order to enhance the consumer experience. So are you using CDN for your website? Want some more information about these CDN providers of 2019? Comment below and we will help you!
Read More: Limelight Networks CDN in India – Interview with Director Ashwin Rao