Dell Technologies led the x86 mainstream server market in India with a 43.7% revenue share in Q3 2022, the company said on Tuesday, citing IDC numbers. It was the 5th straight quarter of leadership position in the respective server market for the firm.
Businesses are continuing to embrace a digital-first mindset, India has proven to be one of the critical markets contributing to Dell Technologies’ growth in the server category.
“We are constantly working closely with our customers to understand their business challenges. We believe our customer first approach is one of the reasons why we are seeing a consistent growth path for our server business in India,” said Manish Gupta, VP and General Manager, Infrastructure Solutions Group, Dell Technologies India.
Businesses are rapidly adopting technologies like cloud, automation, ai, and big data to gain efficiency and agility. Since Covid, many companies have increased their tech spending, especially on cloud computing. The data center market in India is rapidly growing, and revenue in the Servers segment is estimated to reach US$1.58bn in 2023.
“To be able to run multiple workloads from the edge to the core to the cloud, they need to deploy advanced servers which can optimize AI/ML and IoT processes for them seamlessly,” Gupta added.
Dell’s PowerEdge portfolio excels in building block rack servers and small footprint tower servers that support business-critical and advanced workloads to help organizations innovate, adapt and grow.
With the capabilities to serve a wide range of customer requirements — from SMBs to large enterprises — Dell Technologies’ server portfolio accounts for the varied and complex needs of the modern data centre.
“Enterprises are increasingly showing the intent to invest towards modernising the technology infrastructure,” said Gupta.
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